How Is Commercial Repainting Different from Initial Painting?
When you think about it, having your retail store, factory, or other commercial property repainted by painting contractors in Madison, Wisconsin is a very different enterprise from having it painted for the very first time.
Initially, there were no fixtures, furniture, or equipment to be covered, protected, and worked around. Floor coverings were not in place. There was no inventory that could be damaged—or stolen. And your employees, customers, and/or clients were not yet onsite to encounter the painting crew.
Also, the quality of the personnel who showed up at your yet-to-be opened site was not as crucial: how they dressed, how they acted, how they spoke to one another, and what they said went largely unseen—and so were not part of the incidental experience of visiting your facility.
Even their “skill sets” were not as crucial: painting large expanses of brand new wall space in a large empty site, unencumbered by trim does not require the same levels of care, preparation, protection, and craftsmanship as does repainting.
So what does Genesis Commercial Repainting offer you that “first time” painters do not?