
Our Guarantee

We do not pretend that we use the best painting practices and materials, hire and compensate Career Painters, or “treat our customers as we would ourselves” for purely altruistic reasons.

Instead, we believe “confidence, trust, and predictability” along with premium materials and workmanship are the best way for our company to grow and prosper.

And we’re correct, because not only has Genesis become the largest painting contractor in Madison, Wisconsin—we continue to be its fastest growing, meaning that our thousands of customers routinely refer us to their friends, relatives, and business colleagues.

After you choose Genesis as you Madison painter, we want our every move to confirm that you’ve made the very best choice. And one way we ensure your comfort and confidence is with our no-nonsense guarantee, which we believe is the best in the business:

We 100 percent guarantee both our labor and materials for a full 3 years—whether interior or exterior, new paint or repaint, homeowner or commercial.

Please compare that to almost all other Madison painting contractors, which are usually 1-year guarantees—even for brand new work completed on surfaces that they themselves have prepped and painted for the first time.

But that’s only one reason why our guarantee is better than most anyone else’s. Consider: we have been a corporate citizen in Wisconsin since 1992-close to 20 years. That means in the unlikely event you do need guarantee work completed by us down the road—we’ll be here, which is no small consolation in an industry where 25 percent of entrants go out of business in the first three years!

So, do you ever wonder who will actually show up to paint your home or business?


Ask about these general services and special techniques:


General Services

  • Madison Interior Residential Painting
  • Madison Exterior Residential Painting
  • Madison Interior Commercial Painting
  • Madison Exterior Commercial Painting

Special Techniques

  • High-Pressure Exterior Washing

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What Our Clients Say

I have been meaning to write you a quick note about how pleased I am with the job Eduardo and his son did on my condo! It is absolutely beautiful.

They were very professional and even vacuumed before putting the furniture back. I also enjoyed talking with Eduardo -- he is such a nice man! How refreshing to meet such polite people!

I want to thank you again for the wonderful job Genesis did for me!

-Patti Schuettler, Madison, WI